Expanding the Environment

May 22nd, 2023 - George LeMaster

Visual Variety is important. 

In the first level, we have a sampling of textures: wood, metal, glass. A variety of these help make the first level feel fresh, but this formula might not hold true for any further levels. More tunnels and rooms comprised of the same textures we've seen hundreds of times might make the game feel stale, and so, for the second level, we are introducing two new aesthetics: brick and ash.

This level leads the player through a tunnel, just a crossing to take the player from one place to another, but this gives the player a view of something they haven't seen before: the outdoors. Nature. Grass. Freedom. 

But it is ultimately for nothing, their path is blocked, and they must continue further into the meat of this level. This brings them to the burn chambers. A labyrinth of black, ashen brick sprawls before the player, filled with a new enemy variety: the Charred. Burnt corpses, reanimated by some dark science, blinded, and laden with explosives, these enemies will blow you to smitheries unless dropped with precises shots, avoiding the explosives on their chests. 

This new but familiar environment will hopefully keep the player feeling fresh and interested, driving them forward, through our game. Ultimately, we want to make a world that its fun to not only fight, but to lose in. 

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