Cutscene Fixes, player breakable glass and Knife Sparks

Author: Gabriel Alvarez


Previously, there were some issues with the first three cutscenes. The first cutscene had a minor bug that made it so that some glass shards from the window stayed floating in place instead of falling. The second cutscene's brick had no sound effect when it collided with the floor. The third cutscene took too long to change the active camera back to the player's camera. There was also no way for the player to break windows even though the Seeker was able to do so. Lastly, there was no visual feedback that the knife collided with terrain.


I fixed the bugs for the first three cutscenes and added a new cutscene to the second level. This new cutscene plays in the newly added area of the second level right after the player picks up the flamethrower. The player is now able to break any glass window with their knife. When the player uses their knife, it will generate sparks unless it is an enemy or a glass window.

Added/Updated items below- 

  • Cutscene Manager
    • Cutscene 1
      • Fixed the floating glass shards.
    • Cutscene 2
      • Added a sound effect to the falling brick.
    • Cutscene 3
      • Fixed the cutscene's duration.
    • Cutscene 5
      • Plays in the area after the flamethrower. The camera pans around the area before showing the exit of the facility.
  • Knife
    • Knife generates sparks when colliding with the environment.
  • Windows
    • Players can destroy them with their knife.


731 Installer 6-21-23.exe 365 MB
Jun 23, 2023

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