hazard update, splash screen, objectives, and models

Author: Christian Knight


installer and build didn't show our group logo when starting the game. player didn't have an objective at start. player didn't have pushback from propane tank and propane hazard hit through wall. didn't have models for  medical beds and screens. didn't have fading between levels and save didn't save level index.


I added our group logo to the game between the unity logo and main menu. player now have and objective at start of game that fade in and fade out. propane tank now has player knockback and I added a mask to stop it from hitting through walls, created medical beds and screen to place in our levels. updated the save system to hold next level index so the player can continue from the beginning of the level they got too and added a fade between levels to make transition smother.

Added/Updated items below- 

  • splash screen
    • log at start
  • objective
    • gives player objective
    • fades in waits a second then fades out
  • propane hazard update-
    • added up force to player
    • added directional force to player
    • added mask to stop effect and damage through wall
  • save
    • fade transitions when saving between levels
    • continue button on main menu when player get to at least the next level 
    • save level index to load the correct scene

Posted on 05/26/2023

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