crosshair colors and hit marker added plus two new notes

Author: Christian Knight


there was no visual display for when they player could or could not interact with certain objects in the game. there where also two items in the game that where interactable that didn't have notes to tell the player what it did or how to use it. finally there was no indicator that told the player if they hit the enemy target.


I added four crosshair colors to show what state the player was in. I also added  two notes one for propane tank and the other for ammo to tell the player how they work so they can better use them. finally I added a hit marker that show the player when they hit an enemy target.

Added/Updated items below- 

  • crosshair colors
    • red - targeting enemy
    • yellow - reloading
    • green - on objects that are able to be interacted with when green
    • grey - neutral/terrain 
  • hit marker
    • appears for .5 seconds when enemy is hit
  • notes
    • propane tank 
      •  tells player that they can push it 
      • tells how they can use it to deal damage to enemies (through timer/depleting it invisible health bar)
    • ammo 
      • tells player that it only give to currently equip weapon
      • tells player that it is a random amount

working on below-

  • damage indicators
    • physical / explosion
    • electrical
  • electrical particle system
    • updating the particle system for the wire hazard 

Posted on 06/01/2023

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