player visual and sound indicator updated/added

Author: Christian Knight


There was no HUD or sound for the player to know how much ammo/health they have. There was also no sound to know if they where actually interacting with anything in the game.


I added a HUD that allows the player to visually see the necessary items and health they have.  I also added a prompt to tell the player if they can interact with an item or if they are missing the key to the lock.  After I added sound so the player can hear that there inputs are actually doing something in the game such as reloading, shooting, etc. (note: the audio used is temporary)

Added/Updated items below-

  • Player HUD
    •  added
      • Player Health (Health Bar)
        • shows how much health player has and if they take damage
      • Player Ammo Count
        • shows how much ammo the player has overall on them
      • Mag Ammo Count
        • shows how much ammo is in the mag
      • Healing Item Count
        • shows how many healing items the player had
      • Prompt Interactable Items 
        • shows if they player can interact with an item
      • Prompt Missing Key
        • shows if the player is missing the key for the lock the are trying to interact with
    • Updated
      • Crosshair
        • added crosshairs for up coming weapons  and updated the precision weapons crosshair
  • Sound Effects
    • added
      • Player Walking
        • Plays a random sound from an array when the player walks
      • Weapon Reload
        • plays a sound when player reloads
      • Shooting
        • plays a sound when the player shoots
      • Unlocking door
        • plays a sound when the player unlocks the door

Posted on 03/17/2023


Octothorpe731(build 2).zip 42 MB
Mar 17, 2023

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