Map, inventory, weapon wheel and winning condition added

Author: Gabriel Alvarez


The player had no map to check their surroundings or their current location or a way to track their picked up items. While there was a way to change weapons, there was no way for the player to visually know what weapon they were changing to without actually changing their weapon. Finally, there was no way for the player to "win" the test level. Essentially they were locked there forever without any way of restarting the level or going back to the menu.


The first three issues were caused due to the lack of certain UI elements. To address the first issue, I added a map that would display the player's location and their surroundings as well as a visual inventory that would keep track of the player's items. Both of these were added to the same menu and can be opened by pressing M on the keyboard. For the last problem, I added a weapon wheel that can be toggled on and off by pressing Tab or by waiting a fixed amount of time. The weapon wheel displays the player's currently equipped weapon and their other weapons. To address the final issue, I added an invisible wall on the final room's entrance that would tell the game that the player has won the game when they collide with it. Winning the game would also make a menu pop up allowing the player to restart the level or go back to the main menu.


Octothorpe731(build 2).zip 42 MB
Mar 17, 2023

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