option menu and sound manager

Author: Christian Knight


unable to change the volume of sound effects and music in game. there was also no functional options menu or a menu that had the needed sliders to change the volume properly


I made a new options menu that had the sliders needed to properly change the volume of sound in game. I also updated the sound manager to work with the options menu as well as had directed all sound to player through the sound manager. I have also saved the sound menu so the user wont have to fix there settings when loading into a new map/level.

Added/Updated items below- 

  • options menu
    • master volume slider
    • music slider
    • SFX slider
  • sound manager
    • all sound directed to play through 
    • properly saving player preference for sound
    • connected properly to the options menu 

known issues working on -

  • unable to change user mouse sensitivity for better gameplay
  • main menu to level does not allow user to change the volume in the level

Posted on 04/14/2023

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