Seeker AI, Blood Splatter and other fixes

Author: Gabriel Alvarez


Whenever the player shot an enemy, enemies would always go into a staggered state that allowed players to shoot them continously without any kind of risk. The Seeker AI also used the basic enemy's attacks instead of it's Special knife throwing/knife slashing attacks based on its distance from the player. Apart from the enemy's stagger animation, there was no real way to tell that an enemy had been damaged. Lastly, while I implemented the Seeker, an enemy that would listen to the player, there was no way to confuse the Seeker by interacting with other objects that would generate some kind of noise.


Now, enemies do not always play their stagger animation, instead they have a set chance to play said animation. The seeker now has two attacks, a melee option and a long range option. It will switch between these two attacks depending on its distance from the target. I added a blood splatter effect to the enemies whenever they get harmed so that the player can tell that enemies were actually harmed. Lastly, I implemented a way for the player to push objects by coming into contact with them which will generate noise and cause the enemy to attack the origin of said noise. For now, if the player stays still the enemy will not target them even if they are inside of their hearing radius.

Added/Updated items below-

  • Enemies
    • Blood Splatter effect
      • A pool of blood is generated wherever the enemy is attacked from.
  • Seeker AI
    • Attack State
      • Chooses attacks based on its distance from its current target.
    • Pursue State
      • The enemy will not pursue the target, instead, it will attack whatever is currently set as its target unless the target is outside of the enemy's attack range.
    • Patrol State
      • While patrolling, whatever noise it hears last is set as its current target.

Later updates will add-

  • More types of enemies.
  • Seeker knife throw has to be synced with its animation.
  • Seeker knife throw does not predict a moving target's trajectory so it only works correctly for stationary targets.
  • General updates to the Enemy AI and to the Seeker AI.


731 installer + level 30 MB
Mar 24, 2023

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