propane tank hazard(in progress)

Author: Christian Knight


There where no in game hazards for the player to avoid or use against the AI to add more of a challenge and/or critical thinking for how to avoid or take out the enemies.


add propane tank that can explode causing damage and knockback within a certain radius of the expulsion.

Added/Updated items below- 

  • Propane Tank
    • added a model for the tank
    • added explosion effect for when the tank explodes
    • applied damage to AI and player within the radius
    • applied knockback to AI
    • added sound for when it explodes

 To be added below-

  • Propane Tank
    • knockback to player 
    • health before explosion
    • effect indicator its been shot
    • counter before explosion after shot

  • electrical wire
    • model
    • effect indicator
    • damage to player and AI
    • sound
    • damage through water its touching

known issues working on -

  • Ai Knockback is buggy
  • player takes twice the damage
  • no player knockback

Posted on 04/21/2023

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