Fixes and updates

Author: Christian Knight


propane hazard dealt to much damage and added damage over time and the indicator would not turn off. was able to use menu keys to resume the game when in a menu that should not have been affected or resume able with that key (cheat menu, pause menu and options menu affect the pause time but not each others menus that where popped up. options menu didn't work in game also couldn't control mouse sensitivity.


fixed the the propane tank so it works properly now with the correct animations playing when needed. the menu keys now  only affect the menus they are meant for and can not be used when in the other menus to resume the game without leaving the menu that it is not used for. updated the options menu so you can now control the sound and sensibility in the game itself.

Added/Updated items below- 

  • options menu
    • added sensibility slider to change look speed with mouse
    • have it save to player preferences so it will carry over to each level including the slider in the main menu (note you can not test the sensibility affect in main menu only in game play but can be changed in the menu) 
    • can not use the escape key to resume game when this menu is open
  • propane tank
    • no longer deal multiple damage to player or AI
    • added indicator that it has be shot
    • added a counter for when it will explode after being shot
    • and an internal health bar that when it hits zero will explode
  • cheat menu
    • added the cheat menu to game manager to have better control over the game time and functions that are activated when in use
    • made the cheat menu not affect the pause men
  • electrical wire (not ready for build or installer)
    • added model
    • added spark effect

 To be added below-

  • electrical wire

    • damage to player and AI
    • damage indicator
    • damage travels through water
    • sound

known issues working on -

  • when propane tank is shot the blood animation plays
  • no player knock back with propane tank explosion
  • AI knockback is sill buggy with the explosion
  • not an issue at the moment but working on electrical wire 

Posted on 04/28/2023


731 Installer 4-27-23.exe 68 MB
Apr 29, 2023

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