Amaterasu AI, Corroder Poison Cloud and Other Fixes

Author: Gabriel Alvarez


The Seeker was able to hit enemies with his knife which would push them away. The Seeker was also able to throw knives through walls whenever they heard the player. Until now we had enemies that would attack the player from a distance and enemies that would chase the player down in order to attack them from melee range, but there were no enemies that would deal damage over time to the player or enemies that the player has to be careful around when killing them.


The Seeker's knife does not collide with enemies in order to prevent enemies from blocking their attacks. The Seeker's knife is also not able to go through walls anymore. To fix these last two issues, I added the Amaterasu, an enemy that when killed or close enough to the player will explode and deal damage to all surrounding entities based on their distance from the explosion. I also started working on another enemy known as the Corroder. The Corroder emits a poisonous cloud that deals damage to the player while they remain inside of it. The poison cloud also serves as a camouflage for the Corroder and will not disappear until they have been killed.

Added/Updated Items below-

  • Amaterasu AI
    • Attack State
      • Once the Amaterasu enters its Attack State, it will explode and deal damage to its surroundings.
    • Death
      • Once the Amaterasu dies, it will explode and deal damage to its surroundings.
  • Corroder AI
    • All States
      • Regardless of its current state, the Corroder will emit poisonous gas that will damage the player.
  • Seeker AI
    • Attack State
      • Knife does not collide with other enemies.
    • Patrol State
      • Seeker is not able to hear through walls.

Later Updates will add-

  • More types of enemies
  • General updates to the Enemy AI
  • Finished AIs for both Amaterasu and Corroder enemies
  • Limb based damage


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Apr 29, 2023

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