wire hazard and save system

Author: Christian Knight


no save system for between levels. the electric hazard didn't have effects or damage to the player or AI that collided with it.  spark effect on wire needed to change.


created a save and load system that saves the weapons, ammunition, player health, and any upgrade that the weapons may have. I also added animation and damage output to the electrical hazard weather it be through the wire or the liquid where the liquid deals damage on collision and the wire dose it by the end where the particle effect is based on a range from the end point. I had also added sound to the electrical wire and fixed the electricity overlapping sound.

Added/Updated items below- 

  • electrical wire
    • damage to player and AI
    • damage travels through water
    • sound
  • save system
    • saves
      •  weapons in inventory
      • ammo count
      • ammo in mag
      • weapon upgrade
      • player health
    • loads
      • the above items to the correct places
      • updates UI

known issues working on -

  • wire hazard damage indicator
  • liquid model and particle effects

currently working on-

  • journal
    • select between tabs for controls or information on an enemy
    • clipboards to add the information to your journal when collected

Posted on 05/05/2023

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