Limb Based Damage System

Author: Gabriel Alvarez


Previously, there was no way to reward the player for aiming, as shooting any body part, including the head, would deal the same amount of damage to the enemy. Due to this, there were no headshots and no way to consistently stagger the enemy as every body part was essentially the same.


To fix this, I added a limb based damage system. A collider was added to each of the enemy's limbs which would detect whenever they were shot and would take damage according to whatever modifiers or settings they were set to. Shooting the head will always stagger the enemy and will deal bonus damage. Now, the player has an actual reason to aim and this will help them save some bullets which hopefully aids them throughout their adventure.

Added/Updated items below-

  • Enemy Models
    • Colliders were added to each limb
    • A script that dictates the functionality of a specific limb was added to each limb

Later updates will add-

  • General updates to the Enemy AI
  • Ragdoll on death


731 Installer 4-27-23.exe 68 MB
Apr 29, 2023

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