Updated Map Menu and Weapon Wheel

Author: Gabriel Alvarez


Previously, there were some bugs with our current implementation of the map menu. The map would either give too much information to the player or not enough. The map would also be dependent on the lighting of the actual map, meaning that there could be obscured areas that the player might not be able to see due to how dark they are in the actual in game map. Lastly, there were some problems with the fog of war. The other issue we had was the weapon wheel which would sometimes not work properly.


To fix the first issue I completely changed the way the map works and made it similar to the Resident Evil maps. Areas that the player has yet to visit are marked in gray, blocked areas are noted by a red door and areas that the player has visited are marked in blue. The player's current position is marked with a green arrow and certain objects in the world will appear in the map such as upgrade stations and weapons. The second issue was fixed by making a more simplistic "weapon wheel". This new weapon wheel would not interact with the middle mouse button and would instead pop up whenever the player changes weapons using the arrow keys. The currently selected weapon is marked with an orange glowing circle.

Added/Updated items below- 

  • Weapon Wheel
    • Currently selected weapon has an orange wheel around it
    • Displays the player's currently held weapons and their missing weapons.
  • Map Menu
    • Visited areas are blue
    • Non visited areas are grey
    • Blocked areas are omitted/marked red

Later updates will add-

  • General updates to the Enemy AI
  • Ragdoll on death


731 Build 5-9-23.zip 157 MB
May 13, 2023

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