Ragdolls and AI Fixes

Author: Gabriel Alvarez


While not an issue per se, our enemies would play a death animation whenever their HP was reduced to 0 but we wanted to make it so that enemies turned into ragdolls whenever the player killed them. Previously, the Seeker was able to hear and throw knives through walls, this was fixed to make it so that they would not throw their knives unless they were able to "see" the player. This fix did not make much sense since the Seeker is only able to hear the player, meaning that they should be able to throw knives even if the player behind an obstacle. Lastly, there was an issue with the AI that would only happen if the enemy's patrol radius was set to 0, in other words if the enemy was set to stay in place. The enemy would go crazy if they started chasing the player and then lost sight of the player. This bug would also sometimes crash the game.


I made it so that enemies now turn into ragdolls when they are killed. When the enemies are ragdolls, a force is applied to whatever limb was shot. The ragdoll system and the limb based damage system were also combined as both required colliders on each of the enemy's limbs. The Seeker was updated so that they're able to hear the player through walls and throw their knives at targets even if the targets are not within the seeker's line of sight or if they are behind an obstacle. This issue was fixed by changing the patrol and pursue states of the enemies.

Added/Updated items below- 

  • Seeker
    • Attack State
      • Seeker is now able to hear through walls and throw knives at them
  • Enemy AI
    • Death State
      • Enemies turn into ragdolls when killed
  • Map Menu
    • Legend was added so that the player could know what each symbol in the map corresponds to

Later updates will add-

  • General updates to the Enemy AI
  • Sound effects for each enemy


731 Build 5-9-23.zip 157 MB
May 13, 2023

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